Sunday, February 21, 2010

The End of an Era…aka O-week

The End of an Era…aka O-week

Today is the last day of O-week here at Southern Cross. O-week here is just a chance for all the international as well as the Aussie students to get used to the surroundings and meet some new people. I was constantly busy this last week—orientation during the day and party at night (don’t worry Mom I was being safe and responsible). There were parties every night of O-week including an alien theme at the UniBar. The best part of it all is that everyone here drinks boxed wine, aka goon, at the parties. They drink a lot of goon because all of the other alcohol here is crazy expensive. To get a slab (a case) of beer is at least like $30 for the cheapest stuff. The cheapest bottle of vodka here is about $35 for only a .75 liter bottle. If you want the good stuff like a bottle of Captain Morgan you better be ready to drop about $50-$75 for one liter. You can get two four liter goons for around $18. It is pretty great with because people still make mixers with the goon. The most popular is goon and juice but everyone also loves a good goon sunrise as well.

The last big event of O-week was a trip to a wild life sanctuary which I went to yesterday. It was basically a giant zoo but the only fences were to separate the different animals. The best area was the kangaroo area. I got to pet, feed and hop around with them. Of course there were fences blocking off the more dangerous animals such as crocodiles and the snakes. One of the best parts was seeing them feed the crocs. It also reinforced the fact that I never want to get anywhere near a croc ever. I also got to see a familiar looking little lizard with a bright blue tongue.

To cap off an excellent first week here at uni I went to the beach today. Some friends and I headed out to a less traveled beach that is more for the locals. It was the most amazing beach I have ever seen. The water was clear and bright blue and the sand was white and soft. Some of my Aussie friends brought their surfboards so I was able to give it a try. After paddling out I was sitting on the board waiting for a good wave and looking around at my surroundings it was hard to believe it was real. Looking back to the beach and the rocks with the waves crashing against them it looked like I was staring at a giant poster. I was not any good on the surf board but they said that I was doing better than most of the Americans they try to teach. I was able to stand up on the board a couple of times but it was only for a quick second or two. I cannot wait to get back out the beach and keep practicing.

I miss everyone! Keep checking for more updates!

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